Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Duty Day

If you often find yourself thinking “the kids are growing up so quickly” and “there aren't enough hours in the day,” then be sure to volunteer for Duty Day at your child's preschool.
There is nothing like a duty day to connect with your child.
And to truly make. time. stand. still.
Chances are your child's pleasant-yet-iron-willed teachers have found a way to make you help in some way, whether it be by washing a load of art smocks, saving and cleaning out yogurt containers for crafts, or combing your local grocery aisles for a bag of organic fruit.
Or you can help in the classroom, and find the zen in cutting tiny cheese cubes, watching kids sneeze into the cookie dough on baking day, or the singing circle, full of three-to-five-year-olds squirming on the floor. 
What makes it entertaining are those nuggets only children can come up with. For example—said in a loud voice by a three-year-old pointing to a sweet, quiet granny of a teacher having a bad hair day,“Did you know that all the teachers here are girls, even *her*?”

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